Water Words (from March 2006 newsletter)

A common practice of many Christians is to “give up” something during the season of Lent. This practice began about 900 A.D. when Lent was first observed. “Giving up” something of one’s personal life was to help the individual more easily identify with Jesus’ own self-sacrifice and suffering. Fasting or some way of controlling food intake is one practice to remember the discipline required to follow Christ.
I would like to encourage you to do something this Lenten Season that will help you focus on the “practice” of your faith. Some possibilities might be:
- Make a commitment to be in worship every Sunday from now until Easter. (This would be a significant commitment for most of our congregation. Time is the most difficult thing for contemporary people to give up!)
- Participate in a study not currently on your schedule. It may not even be “spiritual.” Expand your thinking, knowledge, or experience.
- Join others on Wednesday nights during Lent for the One Church, One Book study of Ending Hunger Now.
- Join the group going to Mississippi for disaster relief the last week of March. It’s not too late to sign up!
- Read at least one book related to the spiritual journey. Start with Ending Hunger Now.
- Commit to a certain amount of time each day to spend in prayer or meditation. Create a journal of your own “religious experiences.” Gather stories about your baptism, confirmation, times of grief, moments of ecstasy, transformations, or encounters with the Holy.
On the journey,
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