Advent Message from Ron Hodges
Director of Mission & Ministry Ron Hodges sent the following email to the entire Rocky Mountain Conference email list, relating his visit to our CCUM worship service last Sunday morning, December 3:
Dear Sisters and Brothers of the Annual Conference,
One of the great joys I have been privileged to experience over the past three and one-half years I have served in this position is the opportunity to worship in many of churches across the Annual Conference. Almost every Sunday my wife and I have visited a different congregation, and while I have not gotten to as many churches as I would have liked we have been in all three states and only rarely repeated a visit. I usually bring greetings on behalf of the 262 sister churches of the Conference and from Bishop Brown, and I have learned that there is some powerful preaching and worship leadership going on among us.
Yesterday we worshiped for the first time a Christ Church in Denver. The choir did a wonderful introit titled "He Came Down." The music line was from a traditional Cameroon tune accompanied by drum. It got all of us into the mood of the Season of Advent, and while all of the adults were thinking how wonderful the music had been a tiny little voice was heard to softly, but emphatically say, "Yea!"
We have to assume the little one was responding to the tune and the tempo of the music but what if the "Yea!" was in response to the title? What if the celebrative note was was given because of the message of the words?
Isn't Advent the time for us to get ready to share the news "He Came Down," and also to get ready to give a joyful "Yea!"?
May your Advent waiting be filled with meaning, depth of purpose, and a recommitment to Jesus' message of caring, sharing and serving.
Ron Hodges
Director of Mission and Ministry
Rocky Mountain Conference
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