What do you get when you add 74 bars of soap, 65 toothbrushes, 31 tubes of toothpaste, 24 sticks of deodorant, 18 bottles of shampoo/conditioner for adults, 13 brushes and combs, 12 bottles of kids shampoo, 12 packages of razors, 9 bottles of body lotion, 6 containers of laundry detergent, 6 cans of shaving cream, 4 chap sticks, 4 bottles of body wash, 3 containers of talcum powder, 3 packages of tissues, 3 rolls of dental floss, 2 bottles of sun block, 2 bath puffs, 1 container of bleach… and 1 jar of lime marmalade?
Answer: One very generous congregation! The “Bare Necessities” collection for Family HomeStead was a huge success because of the participation from our wonderful congregation. It takes a whole community to allow Family HomeStead to help families in need, and we are an important part of that community. Thank you.
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