Water Words: June 2009

Summer may be my favorite time of the year! Especially since moving to Colorado where the days are wonderful even when hot and the evenings are always perfect unless there is rain! But heat is expected in the high desert and rain is always a welcomed relief!
Heat comes in other ways related to the life of Christ Church. The heat (unwelcomed part) of the summer at church shows up as lower attendance and insufficient giving.
Summers are great time to get out and enjoy this amazing state we live in. So be sure and do that! And if it means missing worship, remember to pray and give thanks where you are.
But don't forget that we still have salaries, and bills to pay. If you want the church to be here for you when summer is over, we need you to remember to be here for the church even if you are gone.
The financial challenges for us as a congregation are looming over our head. We must raise $30,000 above the pledges for this year to make the budget. We are falling behind. Some of you are challenged with current economic realities, others of us are simply holding on tight and perhaps a little too afraid.
If anyone has a generous ability to help toward the $30,000 that would be wonderful! If anyone is willing to serve on the new stewardship committee that would be great! If all of you would think of and pray for our congregation in these challenging financial times, that could be enough.
Want to talk about it over a cup of ice water? Give me a call.
—Carolyn Waters
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