United Methodist Women: September 2009

UMW members please remember we are still contributing our Campbell Food UPC labels (includes Franco-American, Pace, Pepperidge Farm, Prego, Swanson, V-8) to McCurdy School in Espanola, New Mexico. McCurdy serves children in pre-school through 12th grade. The Campbell’s “Labels for Education” program provides an amazing number of needed educational items, such as overhead projectors, microscopes, TVs, VCRs, dictionaries, computers, software and sports accessories. There is a box for the UPC labels in the Christ Church Narthex. If you have any questions please call Marilyn Degginger.
The deadline for bringing any UMCOR Kits to the Church is September 13. Diane Lewis is collecting these kits for the District (which will send them to UMCOR by September 19). There has been a very positive response to this UM Committee on Relief ministry and we have collected a lot of kits! Thanks.
UMW Reading Program
The cart which contains UMW’s selected reading program books (located in the Narthex) is being changed. A space on the bookshelves in the Narthex is being created to hold our program books. They will be properly labeled as UMW and a sign-out sheet will still be available for signing books out. This is being done in an effort to consolidate and organize that area.
VIBE Circle & Mission Team
VIBE Circle will meet September 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Study Room. Carol Everett will provide the program and Diane Lewis will be acting as hostess. The next Mission Team meeting will be held November 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Study Room.
Upcoming Events
Other upcoming events include the UMW Annual Meeting for the installation of officers on Sunday, November 15 at 11:30 a.m. This will be a potluck lunch meeting. The UMW bi-annual Valentine Tea will be held Saturday, February 13, 2010.
—Sheryl Byers
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