Sharing the Gay Pride Parade Experience
From Sandy Houston, Pride Parade participant:
Ben and I had an awesome experience both parading and selling the water to help Jay out! I saw people I know who rushed out to thank me; a lady on sidelines thanked Charles and me for basically representing the real spirit of Christians.Everyone of all diversity seemed to be having fun. Young guys seemed a little amazed to walk up to our water booth and see a lady of mature years such as me and thanked me.This is in fact the huge civil rights issue of the autumn of my life and I would love to be included in anything Ben and I can do to help. Civil rights for African Americans was the issue of the spring of my life and while I spoke up for them and did some things, I can now see my helping so much more on this civil rights issue. We are progressing, folks, step by step by step!Let us each "Be the change we want to see in the world." --Gandhi
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