Christ Church Connections

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Rolston lecture this Friday, February 3

“Generating Life on Earth: Five Questions,” the 2006 Potthoff Legacy Lecture, will be delivered by Holmes Rolston III at Christ Church United Methodist on Friday, February 3, at 7:30 p.m.

An internationally recognized authority in the area of science and religion, Rolston will be tackling questions that are much in the news these days. While he purposely avoids Intelligent Design terminology, the questions he addresses are concerned with issues raised in that debate. For instance, Rolston asks, “Are the increasing diversity and complexity of life-forms the result of a random, an inevitable, or a contingent process?” and “What is the origin of the genetic information that guides the development of life-forms?” Rolston suggests that questions such as these open up “a possibility space” for faith in God.

Often called the father of environmental ethics, Rolston has lectured on all seven continents and authored six books, among them Genes, Genesis and God. Rolston’s name came to public attention in 2003 when he was awarded the 2003 Templeton Prize for Progress toward Research or Discoveries about Spiritual Realities for his innovative work, an award of one million dollars, given annually by the Templeton Foundation to acknowledge that spiritual discoveries, as well as scientific discoveries, are essential to human advancement.

Rolston is University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Colorado State University and this year is a Visiting Professor of Bioethics at Yale University.

Ending Hunger Now

The popular and successful "One Church, One Book" program returns to Christ Church this March. The book selection for the spring program is Ending Hunger Now: A Challenge to Persons of Faith by George McGovern, Bob Dole, and Donald E. Messer (Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2005).

Program participants will have the opportunity to meet for book discussion as a part of the annual Lenten Study on Wednesday, March 8, 15, 22 & 29 at 7:00 p.m. The Adult Education committee is very excited to announce that author Donald E. Messer will be leading the final group discussion on Wednesday, March 29. Dr. Messer is President Emeritus and the Henry White Warren Professor of Practical Theology at the Iliff School of Theology.

Copies of Ending Hunger Now will be available for purchase during coffee hour every Sunday morning in February.

Also posted on the "One Church, One Book" blogsite.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

"Katrina" Hurricane Relief: Work Trip

An important announcement from the Social Action Committee:

Take a week out of your busy life and join the group from CCUM going to Ocean Springs, Mississippi, to pitch-in and help the community rebuild after Hurricane Katrina! A team will be heading there March 25 to April 1, 2006. Work to be done will include clean-up, repairs, and construction. We'll be traveling, eating and working together, and staying in tents in whatever weather Mother Nature brings! Sound like an experience you wouldn't want to miss? Join us!! There will be an informational meeting in February (date TBA). Click here to download the application form and/or Work Team information document.

To reserve your spot, please complete the application form and mail it, along with a $25 deposit, to the address at the bottom of the form.

Christmas Pageant 2005 pictures

One of the highlights of the Advent/Christmas season at Christ Church was the annual "Children's Christmas Pageant," which was held on Sunday, December 18. If you happened to miss the children's wonderful program, I encourage you to view the entire photoset of nearly 40 pictures encompassing the preparation and presentation of the Christmas Pageant.

The official Children's Pageant photographer was none other than the Chairperson of Worship & the Arts, Kenita Gibbons.