Christ Church Connections

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

March Newsletter

The March 2006 edition of the print Christ Church Connections newsletter is available to download (.pdf format) in the Newsletter Archive.

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Monday, February 27, 2006

Water Words (from March 2006 newsletter)

The liturgical season of Lent begins on Wednesday, March 1, and continues for 40 days, excluding Sundays.

A common practice of many Christians is to “give up” something during the season of Lent. This practice began about 900 A.D. when Lent was first observed. “Giving up” something of one’s personal life was to help the individual more easily identify with Jesus’ own self-sacrifice and suffering. Fasting or some way of controlling food intake is one practice to remember the discipline required to follow Christ.

I would like to encourage you to do something this Lenten Season that will help you focus on the “practice” of your faith. Some possibilities might be:

  • Make a commitment to be in worship every Sunday from now until Easter. (This would be a significant commitment for most of our congregation. Time is the most difficult thing for contemporary people to give up!)
  • Participate in a study not currently on your schedule. It may not even be “spiritual.” Expand your thinking, knowledge, or experience.
  • Join others on Wednesday nights during Lent for the One Church, One Book study of Ending Hunger Now.
  • Join the group going to Mississippi for disaster relief the last week of March. It’s not too late to sign up!
  • Read at least one book related to the spiritual journey. Start with Ending Hunger Now.
  • Commit to a certain amount of time each day to spend in prayer or meditation. Create a journal of your own “religious experiences.” Gather stories about your baptism, confirmation, times of grief, moments of ecstasy, transformations, or encounters with the Holy.
It’s still OK to give up chocolate or ice cream! That wouldn’t hurt any of us. I just don’t know how much it helps us pay attention to our relationship with God.

On the journey,

Ash Wednesday worship services

Commemorate the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent with Christ Church on Ash Wednesday, March 1. Two identical worship services will be held at 12:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., allowing members of our congregation the option of choosing either an afternoon or an evening service. Each 30-minute worship service will be contemplative in mood and feature the traditional Imposition of Ashes.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Naylor Memorial Service, Feb. 23, 11:00 a.m.

Ned Naylor, long-time member of Christ Church United Methodist and Conference Lay Leader, passed away on Monday afternoon in Denver at the age of 90. Services will be held at Christ Church (7th Ave. & Colorado Blvd.) on Thursday, February 23, at 11:00 a.m.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

UMW News

Over forty women kept the conversation buzzing and the tea pouring at the lovely Valentine Tea on February 11 in the narthex. Many thanks to all those who helped put it together. Special thanks to Roxanna Patterson (now living in Greeley) who made many pretty ceramic old fashioned shoes (two sizes, lots of colors) for the event, Eloise Edwards who organized other beautiful things, and Marcie Lowe and Diane Lewis who spent extra hours decorating and setting up.

UMW Book Cart
Now is a good time to check and see if you currently have a book from the UMW Book Cart that you have finished reading and need to return. It is also a good time to check out a new book to read. Just return the old book as you browse the selection for a new book.

The UMW Book Cart is located in the north end of the Church Narthex. The newest additions to the collection are...

  • My India Jatra: Half a Century Life in India: focusing on Education for Mission;
  • The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight: The Fate of the World and What We Can Do Before It’s Too Late: focusing on Social Action;
  • Home is Always the Place You Just Left: A Memoir of Restless Longing and Persistent Grace: focusing on Spiritual Growth; and
  • The Epidemic: The Rot of American Culture, Absentee and Permissive Parenting and the Resultant Plague of Joyless, Selfish Children: focusing on Nurturing for Community.
Spiritual Retreat
The UMW Annual Spiritual Retreat is scheduled for April 28-30, 2006 at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park. This year’s theme is "The World's Wealth or Heaven's Treasure? – Living Faithfully in a Consumer Society." The retreat is open to all women of the Church. Save money and register before March 20. There will be a group registration opportunity at the next Mission Team meeting of March 13 for those who want to share accommodations. Contact any of the UMW officers for more details.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Celebrate Valentine's Day with the UMW

United Methodist Women
3rd Annual Valentine Tea

Saturday, February 11, 2006
10:00 a.m.

in the Christ Church narthex

All women of the church and their guests are invited to attend. Please contact the church office to make a reservation.

St. Martin's Chamber Choir THIS WEEKEND

The men of St. Martin's Chamber Choir take center stage February 10th and 12th for "My Full Heart Forth...", a unique concert featuring pieces composed for men's voices and cello. Joined by cellist James Fittz, highlights will include "If ye love me", by Thomas Tallis; an unaccompanied cello suite by J.S. Bach; a set of five partsongs by Elgar; a rarely heard sacred work by Mendelssohn, Vespergesang; 18th-century glees; and the world premiere of "Nigra Sum" by Denver composer Terry Schlenker. Works by Palestrina, MacDowell and others will round out this unusual concert.

"My Full Heart Forth..." will be presented at Friday, Feb. 10 at St. Paul Lutheran Church (1600 Grant St., Denver), and Sunday, Feb. 12 at St. Elizabeth's Church (on the Auraria campus). Both concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $18.00 for adults, $15.00 for seniors, and $10.00 for students. They may be ordered by calling St. Martin's Chamber Choir at 303-298-1970 or purchased at the door.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Envisioning the future of Christ Church

At last Tuesday's Administrative Board meeting Rev. Waters called the proceedings to order with a worksheet following the Appreciate Inquiry model. After each member completed the exercises individually, the Ad Board shared together in small group discussion. The last exercise on the worksheet produced some exciting responses, which we would like to share with the Christ Church congregation:

"Make three wishes for the future of the church."
  1. No room in the pews
  2. Missions that continue to make a difference
  3. Financial stability
  4. Increased worship attendance
  5. New choir members/continued growth of music program/music staff
  6. Outreach to the immediate local community (10-20 block radius)
  7. Member and financial growth
  8. More young people
  9. 57% increase in membership!
  10. Corresponding increase in giving of gifts and service
  11. Continued solid programming
  12. Membership growth
  13. Involvement of all members
  14. Spiritual growth of members
  15. Good Christian role model to the community
  16. Financial health
  17. Having to worry about how to use all our resources instead of worrying about where resources will come from
  18. Unification of Methodists to a more inclusive doctrine
  19. Continued growth of youth involvement
  20. Continue to offer exciting, meaningful worship and new programs for children and adults
  21. Ability to weather disagreements without division
  22. Greater attendance and participation
  23. More programming
  24. More opportunities for participation in education, social action, fellowship, and spiritual growth
  25. To grow—with open and committed people
  26. To be an alternative voice for the "traditional" church
  27. To remodel and take care of an aging building
  28. Continue making connections with each other
  29. Continue diversity—becoming open to gay marriage
  30. More educational growth
WOW! 3 wishes times 10 Ad Board members equals 30 wishes. What are some of YOUR wishes for the future of Christ Church?