Christ Church Connections

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hosting a National Meeting

Christ Church Members are welcome to join in the meeting on Friday and Saturday!
Let Carolyn know if you are interested! We're excited to host this group for their fall meeting and training!

The Church Within A Church Movement is Coming to Denver!

Two opportunities to gather with CWAC !

~ A workshop for potential progressive church planters

~ National open meeting of the CWAC Coordinating Team

New Ministries for a New Day

"A Time of Discernment: Is God calling me to plant a faith community?"

The Church Within A Church Movement is planting progressive faith communities. We are looking for elders, deacons, seminary students, retired clergy and lay persons who want to explore a call to plant an inclusive, diverse, dynamic, progressive church. This Time for Discernment with an experienced congregational developer will help you identify basic gifts and experiences conducive to effective leadership as a new planter and which models may be more suitable to your leadership style.

The workshop will begin at 2pm Wed. October 11 and finish at 3pm Thursday October 12, 2006.

Location: Christ Church United Methodist - 690 Colorado Blvd., Denver, Colorado – 303-322-0784

Registration Deadline is September 15, 2006
Registration Fee: $85 early registration. Add $35 for spouse/partner registration fee.
Late Registration fee: $100 if form is received after September 15. Add $35 for spouse/partner registration fee.
Student Registration fee: $55 early registration. Add $35 for spouse/partner registration fee.
Student Late Registration fee: $70 if form is received after September 15. Add $35 for spouse/partner registration fee.

Semi-annual open national meeting of the CWAC Coordinating Team!

Four active work areas are engaged in exciting ministries and areas of growth and you are invited to participate!

Work Areas gather at 7:30 pm Thursday October 12 and continue Friday morning October 13.

Open Coordinating Team meeting begins at 1:00 pm Friday October 13 – Saturday at 4:00pm. All meetings at Christ Church United Methodist – 690 Colorado Blvd. Denver.

Contact the CWAC office at (773) 248-3225 or email executive director Cathy Knight at to request registration and housing information for either event.

Please pass this information on to folks you know that might be interested in connecting with the CWAC movement in Denver. No media is allowed at either event.

Isaiah 43:18-19
Forget the former things;
Do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Concert THIS SUNDAY at Christ Church

The Congress Park Choral Union is a 70-voice community chorus that will be performing at Christ Church this Sunday evening. The debut concert will feature choral music of varied styles with the overall theme of "union". Composers include G.F. Handel, Gwyneth Walker, Eric Whitacre, John Rutter, and more. The Congress Park Choral Union was founded by Christ Church music director Ben Riggs, and includes in its membership several members of the CCUM Chancel Choir. Please join us for an evening of song with the Congress Park Choral Union!

Congress Park Choral Union


Sunday, August 6, at 7:00 p.m.

Christ Church United Methodist

Tickets: $12 general admission / $8 students & seniors

Tickets may be purchased after worship this Sunday morning, & will be available at the door.