Christ Church Connections

Monday, June 23, 2008

Christ Church marches in 2008 Denver Gay Pride Parade!

An excited group of Christ Church members marched in the 2008 Denver Gay Pride Parade last Sunday, June 22. This was our very first year participating in PrideFest, and we had an incredible turnout of 25 people (which included LGBT members, Straight members, 4 youth, and 3 kids!)

One of the Christ Church participants had this to say about the Pride Parade experience:
We made it!! I was so proud of us for taking a stand yesterday in our march. And I was really proud of me as a 60s-something, back- impaired person for making it the whole parade route. This is a shining example of advocating for equal rights, whether for women, impoverished, black and Hispanic, disabled, gays and lesbian and transgender; human nature being what it is, advocacy will always be needed. God bless and let's plan an even bigger presentation next year!!

The photo above is from the coverage of the parade.