Christ Church Connections

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Water Words: June 2009

Summer may be my favorite time of the year! Especially since moving to Colorado where the days are wonderful even when hot and the evenings are always perfect unless there is rain! But heat is expected in the high desert and rain is always a welcomed relief!

Heat comes in other ways related to the life of Christ Church. The heat (unwelcomed part) of the summer at church shows up as lower attendance and insufficient giving.

Summers are great time to get out and enjoy this amazing state we live in. So be sure and do that! And if it means missing worship, remember to pray and give thanks where you are.

But don't forget that we still have salaries, and bills to pay. If you want the church to be here for you when summer is over, we need you to remember to be here for the church even if you are gone.

The financial challenges for us as a congregation are looming over our head. We must raise $30,000 above the pledges for this year to make the budget. We are falling behind. Some of you are challenged with current economic realities, others of us are simply holding on tight and perhaps a little too afraid.

If anyone has a generous ability to help toward the $30,000 that would be wonderful! If anyone is willing to serve on the new stewardship committee that would be great! If all of you would think of and pray for our congregation in these challenging financial times, that could be enough.

Want to talk about it over a cup of ice water? Give me a call.

Carolyn Waters

Youth News: June 2009

Youth Camping Trip
Camping Trip to Durango. June 24-27. Make sure you let Eric know you want to go, ASAP! Congregation, please pray for the youth as they journey, experience God in the world and are in relationship with each other.

Dialogue & Dinner
What’s on your mind? Faith, politics, world change. Join Eric and Amy Strader for dinner and discussion. Eric will provide the main dish, you provide your home. Let’s join together for great conversation and a full-course meal. Starting in June. Not limited to individual families, get your own group together. I look forward to getting to know you and your family better. To sign up or ask questions email Eric at

—Eric Strader

United Methodist Women: June 2009

The Gathering Place
This month UMW will tour The Gathering Place, one of the missions we support. The Gathering Place (1535 High St. ) is a refuge for rebuilding lives and a place that exists to support women and their children who are experiencing homelessness and poverty by providing a safe daytime refuge and resources for self-sufficiency. Our tour is scheduled for Friday, June 12 at 2:30 p.m. Please RSVP to Margaret Simmons if you plan to attend. Anyone wishing to car pool, please meet at the Church at 2:00 p.m. and if anyone would like to join some of us for lunch prior to the tour, please meet at the Church at 12:30 p.m. Hope to see you there!

Summer Brunch
Our annual UMW Summer Brunch will be held Saturday, June 27. We will meet at Carla Schwartzkopf’s house at 9:30 a.m. and plan to eat at 10:00 a.m. Per usual, this is a pot luck, so please bring a dish to share. Our speaker this year is Louana George, who will be talking about the Prayer Quilt Ministry. This is always an enjoyable time to get together in an informal setting and eat and visit.

Upcoming Project
A project coming up for the Fall (September 19) involves assembling kits for UMCOR (for global disaster relief). There is a choice of sending a Health Kit, School Kit and/or Sewing Kit.

UMW Circle Dates
Our next Mission Team Meeting will be held Monday, August 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Study room. Our next VIBE Circle meeting will be held September 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Study room. The program will be presented by Carol Everett and refreshments supplied by Diane Lewis.

—Sheryl Byers

Adults (20-35): June 2009

Brunch @ Hotcakes
Join us on Sunday, June 7, for brunch at Hotcakes (1400 E 18th. Ave.) Bring your friends! We will meet following the morning worship service.

Pub Theology
Join us on Monday, June 22, at the Irish Hound Pub (6th Ave. & St. Paul) from 6:00-9:00 p.m. Pub Theology is a space for talk about God and all sorts of topics.

—Eric Strader

Reconciling Ministries: June 2009

CCUM Allies of LGBT Community
When this congregation decided to become an official Reconciling Congregation, it took a huge and courageous step in the Civil Rights movement for Gay rights. As a minority, gays cannot win our rights without you. We continue to need your support, your action, and your prayers. We deeply thank you for it.

Here are some next steps you can take. Many of you are probably already doing these things. Please know how much that means to us:
  1. March with us in the Pride Parade, June 28. We’ll meet in Cheesman Park. Be there before the parade starts at 9:30 a.m.
  2. Come to rallies and protests. Bring signs supporting us. Your role as an ALLY is key. The news media and the rest of the country needs to see that it is not just gays who are demonstrating.
  3. Keep talking. Speak up against gay bashing. Tell people why you belong to a Reconciling Congregation. Don’t “let it slide.” Continue to teach your children by the examples you are setting that hate is wrong.
  4. Vote. Whenever there is a ballot measure affecting gays, vote and inspire others to vote for civil rights and against hate.
  5. Websites. Each of these is an action based organization:
The Colorado Queer Straight Alliance: <>
Soul Force is a national faith based movement that started in Colorado: <>
Join the Impact gives action updates: <>

—Lauren Fortmiller & Pam Thiele

Joys & Thanks: June 2009

Congratulations to Carol Tudor, who is recently engaged to be married to her fiancé Stephen!

Congratulations to Daniel & Lynn Hammond on the marriage of their son Ato Hammond to Vicki King on May 30!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Colorado Conductors' Chorus

Colorado Conductors' Chorus

Sunday, May 17
7:30 p.m.

Please join us in hosting the premiere Denver performance of a new ensemble, the Colorado Conductors’ Chorus. This unique group is comprised entirely of choral conductors who gather to perform great choral music at a professional level.

The May 17 concert will be held in the Christ Church sanctuary, and is free and open to the public. Colorado Conductors’ Chorus will perform choral works by Byrd, Brahms, Verdi, Lauridsen, Whitacre, and many other exciting composers. The Chorus is conducted by Dr. Lawrence Kaptein, Director of Choral Activities at CU—Boulder.