Reconciling Congregation!
Yesterday Christ Church made the decision to formally be a “Reconciling Congregation.” Conversation has occurred in the Administrative Board for many years about this possibility. A task force was named following the 1032 decision of the Judicial Council last October and did an excellent job writing the statement and educating the congregation. With recommendation from the Administrative Board, Holy Conferencing during worship, Dr. J. Phillip Wogaman preaching, Dr. Gene Tucker giving denominational and local congregation background, then following a time of dialogue, the congregation placed their decision slips on the altar with overwhelming support of declaring Christ Church as a Reconciling Congregation.
The phrase “who we have always been is who we are now and who we will always be” was used several times through the service and as a Benediction to send the congregants into the world in Christ name.
The Reconciling Statement adopted on Sunday May 7th is:
Christ Church United Methodist is called to the ministry of reconciliation, as asserted in the United Methodist Book of Discipline. We celebrate our human family’s diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, faith history, economic status, marital status, physical and mental ability, and educational background.
We affirm that all people are created in the image of God and, as beloved children of God, are worthy of God’s unconditional love and grace. We welcome the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministries of Christ Church United Methodist as we journey toward personal and social reconciliation and transformation, calling out the gifts of all.
We embrace as a gift the diversity of our congregation. We recognize that there are differences among us, but believe that we can love alike even though we may not think alike. We invite all people to join us in our faith journey toward greater love, understanding and mutual respect.
Statement of Commitment:
Leader: As members of Christ Church United Methodist, we hereby adopt the above statement and add Christ Church Denver, Colorado to the roster of United Methodist congregations who have become Reconciling Congregations, declaring our solidarity with them, as together, we observe the United Methodist watchword of “open hearts, open minds, open doors.”
Leader: In support of this commitment, we will…
All: Work to enhance the sense of community that already exists at Christ Church.
Leader: We will….
All: Show respect to all persons who come to worship among us.
Leader: We will…
All: Accept others as they are, appreciating the unique gifts they bring to the Christ
Church community.
Leader: We will…
All: Recognize that “welcoming” is a responsibility shared by all of us.
The service closed by singing “In the Midst of New Dimensions” written by Rev Julian Rush, a member of the Christ Church choir and active member of the congregation.
We celebrate this day in Christ Church history and look forward to the day we can celebrate such decisions with other congregations in the Denver area.
The phrase “who we have always been is who we are now and who we will always be” was used several times through the service and as a Benediction to send the congregants into the world in Christ name.
The Reconciling Statement adopted on Sunday May 7th is:
Christ Church United Methodist is called to the ministry of reconciliation, as asserted in the United Methodist Book of Discipline. We celebrate our human family’s diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, age, faith history, economic status, marital status, physical and mental ability, and educational background.
We affirm that all people are created in the image of God and, as beloved children of God, are worthy of God’s unconditional love and grace. We welcome the full inclusion of all people in the life and ministries of Christ Church United Methodist as we journey toward personal and social reconciliation and transformation, calling out the gifts of all.
We embrace as a gift the diversity of our congregation. We recognize that there are differences among us, but believe that we can love alike even though we may not think alike. We invite all people to join us in our faith journey toward greater love, understanding and mutual respect.
Statement of Commitment:
Leader: As members of Christ Church United Methodist, we hereby adopt the above statement and add Christ Church Denver, Colorado to the roster of United Methodist congregations who have become Reconciling Congregations, declaring our solidarity with them, as together, we observe the United Methodist watchword of “open hearts, open minds, open doors.”
Leader: In support of this commitment, we will…
All: Work to enhance the sense of community that already exists at Christ Church.
Leader: We will….
All: Show respect to all persons who come to worship among us.
Leader: We will…
All: Accept others as they are, appreciating the unique gifts they bring to the Christ
Church community.
Leader: We will…
All: Recognize that “welcoming” is a responsibility shared by all of us.
The service closed by singing “In the Midst of New Dimensions” written by Rev Julian Rush, a member of the Christ Church choir and active member of the congregation.
We celebrate this day in Christ Church history and look forward to the day we can celebrate such decisions with other congregations in the Denver area.