Christ Church Connections

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

July Newsletter

The July 2006 edition of the print Christ Church Connections newsletter is available to download (.pdf format) in the Newsletter Archive.

Adobe Reader is required to open documents in .pdf format -- if your computer does not already have the program installed, you can download it for free here.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Worship Brunch photos

Congratulations to the Worship & the Arts work area on the incredible success of the Worship Brunch last Sunday! A very special "thank you" to everyone who helped set-up & tear-down, and to everyone who brought a delicious brunch item to share.

Click on any photo below to see even more snapshots from the Worship Brunch.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Worship Brunch

The Worship & the Arts team invites you to attend a special congregation-wide “Worship Brunch” on Sunday, June 25. Held in the Fellowship Hall during the regular 10:15 a.m. service time, the Worship Brunch will be a combined worship service/community meal. Food for the brunch will be supplied pot-luck style, so dust off that scrambled-egg-casserole recipe and bring enough to share! A sign-up list for brunch items is available by contacting the Christ Church office.

Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for worship and fellowship at the Worship Brunch, June 25 at 10:15.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Homeless Mentoring Initiative

Do you have the time and space in your life to help mentor a local homeless family?

The Homeless Mentoring Initiative requires a group of 2 to 6 people committed to meeting with our congregation’s “match” family on a periodic basis – 7 times over 4 to 6 months, with the meeting times to be determined by the mentoring team and family.

The goal is to guide the family toward self-sufficiency by providing material, relational and spiritual support. If you think you might be interested, please attend the 90-minute training session in the meeting room off the Fellowship Hall after worship on June 25th. I don’t require an RSVP, but if you could send me a quick email to let me know you’re coming, I would appreciate it. It is bound to be a rewarding, interesting, and unique growth opportunity.

Carol Palazzotto
Co-Chair, Social Action Work Area

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Ad Board Meets Outside the Box!

The Ad Board had an enjoyable meeting this evening, even if it was the hottest day on record this early in the year!

Everyone gathered at "The Rev's" place in Centennial. Good conversation, good energy, good vision, great plans for the summer. You'll hear all about it soon! Be sure to have June 25th on your calendar for the Worship Brunch!

Friday, June 09, 2006

June Newsletter

The June 2006 edition of the print Christ Church Connections newsletter is available to download (.pdf format) in the Newsletter Archive.

Adobe Reader is required to open documents in .pdf format -- if your computer does not already have the program installed, you can download it for free here.