Have you noticed the blue recycling cans around Christ Church recently? The social action council hopes you have. This past year, the social action committee has taken on the “greening” Christ Church. Our green projects have included:
- Informational articles in church newsletters about using less energy
- Light bulb exchange program
- Purchase of a more energy efficient coffee system
- Switching from foam coffee cups to paper cups
- Blue recycling cans for the Sanctuary floor of the facility
In addition to this work of the social action committee, the trustees have been able to replace energy leaking windows with new windows and have recently put in programmable thermostats so that we won’t be heating rooms not in use and at night. There is more to be done, of course, but we, the congregation, are well on our way to decreasing our non-essential energy usage. Before you toss out that item you have in your hand, think about it, can it go in the blue recycling can instead?
So, look around and spot those blue recycle cans (can’t miss ‘em, they’re the ones with the recycle symbol on them) and use them for all of your recyclables. Below is a list of what can be recycled not only at church but in your home as well:
- Mixed office paper/Sunday bulletins
- Junk mail
- Magazines and catalogs
- Cereal boxes, tissue boxes, cookie boxes—any paperboard
- Brown paper bags
- Newspapers (including inserts and ads)
- Corrugated cardboard
- Phone books
- Plastic bottles (without the caps)
- Glass bottles
- Glass jars
- Aluminum cans
- Steel cans
- Aluminum foil
- Aluminum pie tins
- Empty aerosol cans
The social action committee thanks you.
The environment thanks you.