Thursday, December 10, 2009
December Events!
Children’s Christmas Pageant
During the 10:15 a.m. worship service on Sunday, December 13, the chancel will transform into a live nativity, featuring our children and youth. Special music provided by the Christ Church Children’s Choir, directed by Joy Jenkins.
Christmas Eve Worship
Invite your family & friends to our candlelight worship celebration on Christmas Eve, December 24, at 7:00 p.m. The service will feature our special Christmas Eve Communion liturgy and music from the Chancel Choir.

Water Words: December 2009
As we enter the holy day and holiday seasons of Advent and Christmas...
May we all remember that we have enough; there is more than enough to go around.
Not just enough food for the table, or enough money for the gifts.
But we have enough time for the things that need our attention.
We have enough vision to see those who have needs.
We have enough patience for the impatience of children.
We have enough heart to listen to the hurting hearts of others.
We have enough clothes to shed some and give away.
We have enough spirit to lift up the downtrodden.
And we have a big enough table providing room for any who are hungry.
And that my friends, is what the Kingdom of God looks like, enough... more than enough to go around.
As you prepare for the Celebration of the Birth of the Christ Child, celebrate what’s right about Christmas. Celebrate the blessings and the opportunities and the freedom we have to give individual expression to our faith. Celebrate the fullness of time! Celebrate the many people and activities that fill your life! Celebrate all that is a reflection of the goodness and presence of God in our world.
—Carolyn Waters