Christ Church Connections

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rally Day: September 2009

Please join us on Sunday, September 13, as we kick-off the Christ Church fall program season!

The excitement begins at 9:00 a.m. with Children’s Sunday School for ages Preschool to 6th Grade. Also at 9:00 a.m. will be the opening session of the Adult Seminar, held in the Chapel.

At 9:15 a.m. in the Upper Room, Eric Strader will lead our new “coffeehouse theology” adult class on the history of Christianity and Methodism.

The Christ Church Chancel Choir return to sing in the 10:15 a.m. worship service following their summer break, and the Christ Church Children’s Choir begin their rehearsal season during the worship service.

Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for community and fellowship on Rally Day, Sunday, September 13!

Water Words: September 2009

I was talking with a member of Christ Church today and we started laughing about the irony of what we learned when we were young. Many of the things we were taught are “bad” are actually very good and sacred; i.e., our sexuality. And many of the things we grew up believing are very good are actually quite bad; i.e., fried chicken!

My father ate two fried eggs every morning for breakfast, most of the meat he consumed was fried, and he chewed tobacco! He lived to be 94! But his work was physical labor on the farm and his body was in very good shape. The life I live is very different from that of my father’s. He would laugh out loud at the thought of me paying $19.00 a month to go to a gym to work out.

Life is constantly changing. What worked well 20 years ago doesn’t work so well now. Some of what was the best 40 years ago is still very good, but is easily replaced. How do we know what to do and who to be in changing times?

I believe our faith community is where we best live into the future and challenge one another about the way we think, our social values, and our political opinions.

Where else can you sit down with a cup of coffee and be taken seriously when you say, “I just don’t know what to think about…?”

Rally Day is September 13. Rally Day is the effort we make to remind folks who have taken a summer break or changed church routines that it is now time to come back, to be back, to show up, and to engage with one another.

I hope you will make Christ Church a priority in your weekly life specifically for the purpose of having one place where you constantly engage in the harder questions and difficult challenges of life. Whether it’s you sexual identity or your attempt to maintain a healthy diet, we are on the journey of figuring out how to live this life in a good and holistic way.

Let life be your religion and welcome the Christian journey as your road map.

See you in church?

—Carolyn Waters

Children's Choir: September 2009

All kids preschool through 6th grade are invited to join Joy Jenkins this fall in the Christ Church Children’s Choir!

The Children’s Choir meets on Sunday mornings during the regular 10:15 a.m. worship service. Choir members leave the service just following the Children’s Moment and return to the service during the doxology.

With regular singing appearances throughout the season, the Children’s Choir gives our kids the opportunity to actively participate as worship leaders in Sunday morning services. If you have any questions about the Children’s Choir, contact Ben Riggs at 303-322-0784, x.202, or

Rehearsals begin on Rally Day, September 13 — see you then!

Children's Education: September 2009

WACK: Wonder, Arts and Christianity for Kids
4th, 5th, & 6th grades: This year we will be shifting from a Sunday School format to more of a learning “club” format. We are hoping for suggestions from the 4th, 5th, and 6th graders for a name for this new format! We are creating our own curriculum for this group, engaging in 6-8 week learning modules, each finishing with a special activity or event outside of the regular Sunday School hour.

Here are some of our modules: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Worship, Refugees and Immigration, Prayer Practices and the Holy Days of our Christian faith. Our hope is this new format will honor the skills and capacities to truly contribute to the world. We are open to any suggestions and topics for further explorations from parents and participants.

Faithful Parenting Class
Parenting is one of the most challenging responsibilities charged to the human race. As parents we are the primary educators of our children in so many arenas, but particularly in matters of spirituality, religion, and ethics. This year we will be offering a year-long, monthly gathering for parents to gather and discuss their shared labor of parenting Christ Church’s children. By sharing our struggles and insights gained in the parenting journey, we hope to strengthen our own capacity to help our children.

The class will meet on the third Sunday of each month, from 9:15-10:00 a.m., upstairs in the Adult Study room. Good coffee and baked goods will be provided. Our conversation will be primed by shared readings, but will flow to the topics and struggles that participants most want to discuss. Parents are welcome to drop in for the whole series, for just a book that is interesting to them, or even just for one session.

A more detailed schedule will soon be available, but we will be working with the following books:

Some books will be available for purchase at the church, but all three are easily available online. Even if you choose not to read the books, you will be able to participate in the conversation. The conversation and coffee will be facilitated by Katherine Turpin and Sue Lawson. Hopefully we will all be teachers to one another as we walk this path together.

—Katherine Turpin & Eric Strader

Adult Education: September 2009

Adult Seminar
The new season of the Adult Seminar begins on Rally Day, September 13, at 9:00 a.m. in the Christ Church chapel. Seminar coordinator Neva Windbigler and the Adult Education committee have prepared an outstanding year of speakers under the banner “America’s Changing Mosaic.”

On September 13 & 20, Dr. Dolph Grundman from Metro State College will speak on “The First Amendment.” Then on September 27, Dr. Daniel Carroll from Denver Seminary will present “Christians at the Borders.”

Join the Adult Seminar every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. for exciting guest speakers from the Denver community.

Coffeehouse Theology
Are you looking for an alternative to sipping coffee at your kitchen table on Sunday morning? Are you looking for coffee and some great conversation? Eric Strader will be leading an Adult Study on Sunday mornings this fall, starting on Rally Day, September 13.

The class will meet in the Upper Room, 2nd Floor, from 9:15-10:00 a.m. We are first going to explore the History of Christianity and the History of Methodism. Eric will use stories of early Christianity to discuss issues surrounding theology and our understanding of the Bible. The class will journey through the life and beliefs of John Wesley as Methodism expanded across the country. We will break in Advent to spend time in the season of preparation for the Christ-child’s birth. Come and go in the class as you can. All are welcome — coffee and juice are FREE!

—Eric Strader

Upcoming Events: September 2009

Save the Date!
On Saturday, October 10 at 11:00 a.m., Emily Smith and Kevin Sladek will wed in the Christ Church sanctuary.

As many of you know, Emily was raised in our church and was an active member until she left for college. She has fond memories of her time here, and of you. We hope that you will be able to celebrate this momentous and sacred event with them. A mini-reception will follow in Fellowship Hall. No gifts, please. Your presence will be their present!

— Don & Jane Smith

Adults (20-35)
The Adults will join together for brunch on Sunday September 13. We will meet at Hotcakes, 1400 E. 18th Ave. following the worship service and Coffee Hour. This is a time to connect with others from Christ Church. Hope you will join us.

Pub Theology
Monday September 21, 6:00-9:00 p.m. at Irish Hound, corner of St. Paul and 6th Ave. Pub Theology is a time to share theological thoughts and beliefs in an open safe setting. Come share with us!

Blessing of the Animals
Christ Church will offer a Blessing of the Animals service on October 4 at 2:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Friends, families, and community neighbors are invited to bring family pets. Please leash and cage appropriately! This will be a great time for kids ages 2 to 92! Even if you don’t have a pet, but love animals, come and be a part of this exciting afternoon.

—Eric Strader

Financial Stewardship Drive: September 2009

To maintain our current level of outstanding worship services, education and other programs, the members of Christ Church who are able, need to increase their financial support of the church. Without additional giving, we are likely to be $30,000 under budget for the year. Even this figure is misleading because the budget assumes withdrawing $43,258 from endowment funds (gifts from the past), and fundraising projects of $15,000. Our endowments will run out if we keep using them to run the Church.

The nominating committee has asked the two of us to co-chair a stewardship committee to bring in additional money for this year’s budget and to plan the fall stewardship campaign for next year. Several members have volunteered to be on this committee, including Brian Smith, Laurie Fujinami, Ben Houston and Linda Reinhardt. We are accepting additional volunteers.

The immediate goal is to raise $30,000 in additional funding for this year. We recognize that in the current economic climate, not everyone is in the position to increase their support of Christ Church. We want to provide everyone with the opportunity to seriously consider what they can contribute.

To start with, each member of the Administrative Board has been asked to seriously consider their personal financial situation to determine if they can donate more money to Christ Church. The committee chairs have been asked to approach their committee members about considering increasing their own gifts to Christ Church. The committee members will be asked to approach other members of our community about increasing their donations to Christ Church. Finally, the Stewardship Committee will ask those who have not been contacted to consider increasing their support of Christ Church.

Here is some food for thought:
The current Christ Church budget is for $316,823 per year. This amounts to $868.01 for each day of the year. Please consider your contributions in light of the needs of the church. If you have not made a pledge, we encourage you to do so, and if you have, to consider increasing it or making an additional gift. Again, we fully understand that some members of the church are not able to increase their giving at this time, but we appreciate your considering what you can do.

—Gene Tucker and Joan Foster, Stewardship Co-Chairs

Chancel Choir: September 2009

The Christ Church Chancel Choir begins it’s new season with rehearsal on Wednesday, September 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the Choir Room (2nd floor).

The Choir’s 1 hour, 15 minute rehearsal takes place every Wednesday evening throughout the program year.

Membership in the Chancel Choir is open to everyone at Christ Church, as well as community neighbors and friends — it’s an excellent way to invite new people to come to church and check us out! No audition is required, just the desire to sing and fellowship.

If you are interested in singing with the Chancel Choir, please contact Ben Riggs at 303-322-0784, x.202, or

Potthoff Lecture Series: September 2009

Growing, Living, Dying with Grace:
Rev. Darryl Fairchild

Friday, September 25, 7:00—8:30 p.m.:
Session in the Chapel

Saturday, September 26, 10:00—11:30 a.m.:
Session in the Fellowship Hall

Sunday, September 27, 10:15—11:15 a.m.:
Worship in the Sanctuary with Rev. Darryl Fairchild

The Adult Education Committee recently brought you an Oral History of Christ Church. We wish to continue to bring you our history with an eye on our future spiritual lives.

Dr. Harvey Potthoff, our former pastor and renowned educator left us the ways and means to bring you meaningful speakers on occasion.

Rev. Darryl Fairchild from Dayton, Ohio interned at Christ Church while studying at Iliff School of Theology. He taught Dr. Potthoff’s classes on the subject of death and dying. Darryl continues to teach and live the philosophies.

Friday evening Darryl will be discussing some of Dr. Potthoff’s wisdoms with one subject being about the difference between being alone and being lonely.

Saturday morning we will invite you and resource people to have the opportunity to converse about things like the story from Harvey. Stuart Mace was interviewed and was asked what he thought of the aspen in the fall. Mace said, “Dying with grace.”

Sunday’s sermon then balances reason with mystery.

— Kenita Gibbins

Prayer Breakfast: September 2009

Bishop Elaine Stanovsky invites you to attend the Denver Urban Ministries Prayer Breakfast. The event will be held on Thursday, September 10, from 8:30-10:00 a.m. at Warren United Methodist Church (1630 E. 14th Ave., Denver).

Join us for a morning of sharing and prayer for the hungry, vulnerable, and those who serve the low-income community. All pastors, staff, mission team members and laypeople are invited. Please RSVP to Tammy at 303-350-5060 or

United Methodist Women: September 2009

Labels for Education
UMW members please remember we are still contributing our Campbell Food UPC labels (includes Franco-American, Pace, Pepperidge Farm, Prego, Swanson, V-8) to McCurdy School in Espanola, New Mexico. McCurdy serves children in pre-school through 12th grade. The Campbell’s “Labels for Education” program provides an amazing number of needed educational items, such as overhead projectors, microscopes, TVs, VCRs, dictionaries, computers, software and sports accessories. There is a box for the UPC labels in the Christ Church Narthex. If you have any questions please call Marilyn Degginger.

The deadline for bringing any UMCOR Kits to the Church is September 13. Diane Lewis is collecting these kits for the District (which will send them to UMCOR by September 19). There has been a very positive response to this UM Committee on Relief ministry and we have collected a lot of kits! Thanks.

UMW Reading Program
The cart which contains UMW’s selected reading program books (located in the Narthex) is being changed. A space on the bookshelves in the Narthex is being created to hold our program books. They will be properly labeled as UMW and a sign-out sheet will still be available for signing books out. This is being done in an effort to consolidate and organize that area.

VIBE Circle & Mission Team
VIBE Circle will meet September 21 at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Study Room. Carol Everett will provide the program and Diane Lewis will be acting as hostess. The next Mission Team meeting will be held November 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the Adult Study Room.

Upcoming Events
Other upcoming events include the UMW Annual Meeting for the installation of officers on Sunday, November 15 at 11:30 a.m. This will be a potluck lunch meeting. The UMW bi-annual Valentine Tea will be held Saturday, February 13, 2010.

—Sheryl Byers

Joys & Thanks: September 2009

Thanks from Ecumenical Refugee Services: “Words are inadequate to express the gratitude we...feel about the fantastic effort you put forth to make our July 26-28, 2009 distribution of clothes to refugee children a success.... The happiness of all was even noted by some neighbors who live near Christ UMC. The neighbors noticed how joyful the families were as they left the church and were very inquisitive....” If you would like to donate clothing or backpacks for the next distribution on November 7-8 at Christ Church, please contact Marsha Carey at