To maintain our current level of outstanding worship services, education and other programs, the members of Christ Church who are able, need to increase their financial support of the church. Without additional giving, we are likely to be $30,000 under budget for the year. Even this figure is misleading because the budget assumes withdrawing $43,258 from endowment funds (gifts from the past), and fundraising projects of $15,000. Our endowments will run out if we keep using them to run the Church.
The nominating committee has asked the two of us to co-chair a stewardship committee to bring in additional money for this year’s budget and to plan the fall stewardship campaign for next year. Several members have volunteered to be on this committee, including Brian Smith, Laurie Fujinami, Ben Houston and Linda Reinhardt. We are accepting additional volunteers.
The immediate goal is to raise $30,000 in additional funding for this year. We recognize that in the current economic climate, not everyone is in the position to increase their support of Christ Church. We want to provide everyone with the opportunity to seriously consider what they can contribute.
To start with, each member of the Administrative Board has been asked to seriously consider their personal financial situation to determine if they can donate more money to Christ Church. The committee chairs have been asked to approach their committee members about considering increasing their own gifts to Christ Church. The committee members will be asked to approach other members of our community about increasing their donations to Christ Church. Finally, the Stewardship Committee will ask those who have not been contacted to consider increasing their support of Christ Church.
Here is some food for thought:
The current Christ Church budget is for $316,823 per year. This amounts to $868.01 for each day of the year. Please consider your contributions in light of the needs of the church. If you have not made a pledge, we encourage you to do so, and if you have, to consider increasing it or making an additional gift. Again, we fully understand that some members of the church are not able to increase their giving at this time, but we appreciate your considering what you can do.
—Gene Tucker and Joan Foster, Stewardship Co-Chairs